- 招標條件
- 項目概況與招標范圍
序號 |
崗位名稱 |
最高限價 |
預計工時數 |
2025年 |
2026年 |
合計 |
1 |
項目行政文控-A級 |
48.00元/小時(含稅) |
0 |
9984 |
9984 |
2 |
項目行政文控-B級 |
42.00元/小時(含稅) |
47008 |
35568 |
82576 |
- 投標人資格要求
3.4投標人須提供不少于1個滿足招標人A級崗位要求和不少于5個滿足招標人B級崗位要求的人員的名單及簡歷,以及2024年1月至今任意六個月的社保證明材料(崗位要求詳見公告附件《崗位說明書》),并承諾合同簽訂后按招標人要求入場工作,在服務期間不隨意更換人員(因不可抗力原因經招標人書面同意的情況除外)。(提供承諾函,格式詳見第六章 投標文件格式)
3.6單位負責人為同一人或者存在控股、管理關系的不同單位,不得參加同一標段的采購或者沒有劃分標段的同一項目的采購(提供聲明函,格式詳見第六章 投標文件格式)。
3.7投標人在招標人或招標人所屬集團公司供應商/承包商庫中未處于禁用狀態。(提供聲明函,格式詳見第六章 投標文件格式)
- 招標文件的獲取
4.1 凡有意參加投標者,請于 2025 年2月11日至 2025 年2月18日,每日上午9:00時至12:00時,下午14:00時至17:00時(北京時間,下同),須將以下資料以掃描件形式(同時注明報名項目、聯系人和聯系方式)發至郵箱lijuntian@cntcitc.com.cn,待審核通過方可進行匯款,并將轉賬憑證回傳,招標代理機構在收到全部資料后發出電子招標文件。
4.2 招標文件售價500元,售后不退。
- 投標文件的遞交
5.1 投標文件遞交的時間為2025年2月26日9時30分-10時00分。
5.2 投標文件遞交的截止時間(投標截止時間,下同)為2025年2月26日10時00分,地點為珠海市香洲區南灣南路5019號佳兆業中心601房。
5.3 逾期送達的、未送達指定地點的或者不按照招標文件要求密封的投標文件,招標人或招標代理機構將予以拒收。
- 發布公告的媒介
- 聯系方式
招 標 人:中海福陸重工有限公司 |
招標代理機構:中招國際招標有限公司 |
地 址:廣東省珠海市高欄港經濟區平港路99號 |
地 址:珠海市香洲區南灣南路5019號佳兆業中心601房 |
郵 編:519050 |
郵 編:510000 |
聯 系 人:林汝慧 |
聯 系 人:李駿天、楊文哲 |
電 話:/ |
電 話:020-83339065 |
傳 真:/ |
傳 真:020-83541220 |
電子郵件:/ |
電子郵件:lijuntian@cntcitc.com.cn |
Attachment 1 Job Description
Project Admin& DC – Level A
一、工作職責/ Responsibilities
1、工作摘要/ Summary
負責項目行政后勤服務和文檔控制工作 Responsible for all project admin work and document control. |
2、職務說明/ Responsibilities
序號 NO. |
工作任務的內容 Contents |
1 |
對項目經理負責; Reports to project manager; |
2 |
項目組成員的行政后勤服務與支持,包括但不限于新員工及訪客入場申請,辦公室及IT設備申請,餐食、車輛申請及安排,維修申請,辦公用品及消耗品采購發放登記、會議室預定、項目組領導加班申請、出差申請及其他審批文件的跑簽跟蹤等; Provide admin and logistics service and support for project team, including but not limited to entry application for new employees and visitors, office room and IT equipment application, meal and transport application and arrangement, maintenance application, office supplies and consumables purchase and issue, meeting room booking, overtime work application for project managers, travel requisition, documents approval related work, etc. |
3 |
項目組各種文件、通知、信函等的上傳、下達、登記、保存和歸檔; Convey and transfer project documents, notices and letters to related recipients, document registration, storage and filing; |
4 |
項目文件翻譯,項目組領導日常溝通翻譯(如項目有需要); Project document translation, daily work communication interpretation for project leaders (if necessary); |
5 |
協助項目重大儀式、大型會議及集體活動的組織策劃; Assit the organizing and planning of project ceremonies, conferences and collective activities; |
6 |
負責按照文控體系要求進行項目文件資料的收集、發放、登記、保管、歸檔、移交等管理工作,包括文件和圖紙打印、蓋章、上傳下載、下發和項目完工文件的整理移交等; Responsible for documents and materials collection, releasing, registering, keeping, filing and transferring according to document control procedures, including document and drawing printing, stamping, uploading and downloading, releasing, sorting out and transferring of project as-built documents; |
7 |
項目行政后勤各項費用的核算、確認,包括但不限于訂餐費、車輛費用、桶裝水&瓶裝水、郵寄費、圖文印刷費、辦公室租賃費等; Reviewing and confirming project admin and logistics related costs, including but not limited to meal costs, transport costs, barreled and bottled water costs, postage, printing fee, and office rentals. |
8 |
完成領導臨時交辦的其他工作; Responsible for other work tasks assigned by project leaders; |
項目 Items |
必備要求 Requirements |
期望要求 Preference |
知識要求Academic Requirement |
學歷要求 Education |
全日制大專及以上學歷 College degree or above |
專業及資格 Major & professional qualifications |
行政管理、文秘、中文、英語等相關專業 Administrative management, secretary, Chinese, English and other related majors |
相關知識 Related knowledge |
熟悉項目行政文控工作內容、具備文書寫作和文控系統操作能力;電腦office軟件操作熟練,能夠快速進行文件排版、數據統計、報告制作等;具備英語口譯、書面翻譯知識和技能, 英語口語能滿足日常溝通和工作需求,書面讀、寫、翻譯順暢; Familiar with project admin and document control work, document draft and document control system operation ability; Proficiency in Microsoft office software, can edit documents, data statistics and prepare reports quickly; English interpretation and translation knowledge and skills, oral English can meet daily communication and work needs, and can read, write and translate English documents smoothly. |
經驗要求 Experience |
3年以上項目行政文控、英語翻譯工作經驗 More than 3 years admin and DC work experience, English interpretation and translation experience |
同類國際項目行政文控、秘書、翻譯工作經驗 Project admin and DC, secretary, translator experience in international projects in same industry |
能力要求 Capabilities |
具有較強的理解判斷、語言表達和溝通協調能力,可獨立完成日常工作;獲得計算機二級或其他計算機等級證書;英語獲得CET-4及以上證書。 Strong understanding and language expression ability, good communication and coordination skills and can work independently; obtained compluter Level 2 or other related certificates; obtained CET-4 or above certificates. |
獲得CET-6或以上證書者優先考慮 Those who obtained CET-6 or above certificates are preferred. |
個性要求 Character |
細心、耐心、有責任心; Careful, patient and responsible; |
素質要求 Ethics |
品行端正、為人正直、愛崗敬業、廉潔自律、 原則性強,有親和力;良好的保密意識 Good conduct, man of integrity, honesty and self-discipline, easy-going; strong sense of confidentiality. |
其他要求 Other |
身體健康 Healthy |
三、工作條件/ Work Conditions
工作地點 Work Location |
珠海 Zhuhai |
使用工具設備 Working Facilities |
計算機 Computer |
工作環境 Working Environment |
室內 Indoor |
工作時間特征 Working Hours |
正常上班,根據工作需要加班 Normal working hours with overtime on as-needed basis |
Project Admin& DC-Level B
一、工作職責/ Responsibilities
1、工作摘要/ Summary
負責項目行政后勤服務和文檔控制工作 Responsible for all project admin work and document control |
2、職務說明/ Responsibilities
序號 NO. |
工作任務的內容 Contents |
1 |
對項目經理負責; Reports to project manager; |
2 |
項目組成員的行政后勤服務與支持,包括但不限于新員工及訪客入場申請,辦公室及IT設備申請,餐食、車輛申請及安排,維修申請,辦公用品及消耗品采購發放登記、會議室預定、項目組領導加班申請、出差申請及其他審批文件的跑簽跟蹤等; Provide admin and logistics service and support for project team, including but not limited to entry application for new employees and visitors, office room and IT equipment application, meal and transport application and arrangement, maintenance application, office supplies and consumables purchase and issue, meeting room booking, overtime work application for project managers, travel requisition, documents approval related work, etc. |
3 |
項目組各種文件、通知、信函等的上傳、下達、登記、保存和歸檔; Convey and transfer project documents, notices and letters to related recipients, document egistration, storage and filing; |
4 |
協助項目重大儀式、大型會議及集體活動的組織策劃; Assit the organizing and planning of project ceremonies, conferences and collective activities; |
5 |
負責按照文控體系要求進行項目文件資料的收集、發放、登記、保管、歸檔、移交等管理工作,包括文件和圖紙打印、蓋章、上傳下載、下發和項目完工文件的整理移交等; Responsible for documents and materials collection, releasing, registering, keeping, filing and transferring according to document control procedures, including document and drawing printing, stamping, uploading and downloading, releasing, sorting out and transferring of project as-built documents; |
6 |
項目行政后勤各項費用的核算、確認,包括但不限于訂餐費、車輛費用、桶裝水&瓶裝水、郵寄費、圖文印刷費、辦公室租賃費等; Reviewing and confirming project admin and logistics related costs, including but not limited to meal costs, transport costs, barreled and bottled water costs, postage, printing fee, and office rentals. |
7 |
完成領導臨時交辦的其他工作; Responsible for other work tasks assigned by project leaders; |
項目 Items |
必備要求 Requirements |
期望要求 Preference |
知識要求Academic Requirement |
學歷要求 Education |
大專及以上學歷 College degree or above |
專業及資格 Major & professional qualifications |
行政管理、文秘、中文、英語等相關專業 Administrative management, secretary, Chinese, English and other related majors |
相關知識 Related knowledge |
熟悉項目行政文控工作內容、具備文書寫作和文控系統操作能力;電腦office軟件操作熟練,能夠快速進行文件排版、數據統計、報告制作等; Familiar with project admin and document control work, document draft and document control system operation ability; proficiency in Microsoft office software, can edit documents, data statistics and prepare reports quickly; |
經驗要求 Experience |
有1年以上項目行政文控或相關工作經驗;應屆畢業生如果在校期間表現優異且滿足項目需求,也可以考慮。 1 year or above working experience of project admin and document control or related; new college graduates, if performed well during school and meet project needs, can also be considered. |
同行業或同類項目行政文控、秘書工作經驗。 Project admin and DC or secretary working experience in same industry. |
能力要求 Capabilities |
具有較強的理解判斷、語言表達和溝通協調能力,可獨立完成日常工作; 獲得計算機二級或其他計算機等級證書; Strong understanding and language expression ability, good communication and coordination skills and can work independently; obtained compluter Level 2 or other related certificates; |
個性要求 Character |
細心、耐心、有責任心; Careful, patient and responsible; |
素質要求 Ethics |
品行端正、為人正直、愛崗敬業、廉潔自律、 原則性強,有親和力;良好的保密意識 Good conduct, man of integrity, honesty and self-discipline, easy-going; strong sense of confidentiality. |
其他要求 Other |
身體健康 Healthy |
三、工作條件/ Work Conditions
工作地點 Work Location |
珠海 Zhuhai |
使用工具設備 Working Facilities |
計算機 Computer |
工作環境 Working Environment |
室內 Indoor |
工作時間特征 Working Hours |
正常上班,根據工作需要加班 Normal working hours with overtime on as-needed basis |