激光劃線系統(含掃平儀)-公開招標公告(招標編號:0613-244026153597)招標項目所在地區:上海市 一、招標條件本激光劃線系統(含掃平儀)(招標項目編號:0613-244026153597),已由項目審批/核準/備案機關批準,項目資金來源為國撥+自籌,招標人為江南造船(集團)有限責任公司。本項目已具備招標條件,現進行公開招標。 二、項目概況和招標范圍項目規模:詳見其他公告內容 。 招標內容與范圍:詳見其他公告內容 本招標項目劃分為標段1 個標段,本次招標為其中的: 001 激光劃線系統(含掃平儀) 三、投標人資格要求001 激光劃線系統(含掃平儀):
詳見其他公告內容 本項目不允許聯合體投標。 四、招標文件的獲取獲取時間:2024年08月07日10時00分00秒---2024年08月14日23時59分59秒 獲取方法:詳見其他公告內容 五、投標文件的遞交遞交截止時間:2024年09月02日09時30分00秒 遞交方法:詳見其他公告內容 六、開標時間及地點開標時間:2024年09月02日09時30分00秒 開標地點及方式:詳見其他公告內容 七、其他公告內容上海機電設備招標有限公司(以下簡稱:招標機構)受江南造船(集團)有限責任公司(以下簡稱:招標人)委托,對下述貨物和服務進行招標,我們竭誠歡迎合格投標人參加投標。 /Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called ”the Tendering Agent”), authorized and on behalf of Jiangnan Shipbuilding (Group) Co. LTD (hereinafter called ”the Tenderee“), We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods and service by way of International Competitive Bidding.
1、招標條件 / Bidding Conditions 項目概況/Project Overview:采購激光劃線系統(含掃平儀) 2套/Purchase 2 sets of Laser marking systems (including broom) 。 現招標人資金已到位,具備了招標條件。/Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions. 2、招標內容 招標編號/ Bid No.:0613-244026153597 招標項目名稱:激光劃線系統(含掃平儀)。 / Project Name:Laser marking system (including broom)。 項目實施地點:上海市長興島長興江南大道988號 。 /Place of Implementation: No. 988 Changxing Jiangnan Avenue, Changxing Island, Shanghai 招標產品清單 / List of Products:
3、*投標人資格要求 /Qualification Requirements For Bidder: 1) 本次招標接受代理商投標,代理商必須得到激光劃線系統制造商同意其在本次投標中提供該貨物的正式書面授權書。 /This bidding accepts bid from agent, and the agent must obtain the manufacturer's formal written authorization for consent to supply goods in this bids。 2)從2021年1月1日起具有激光劃線系統供貨業績(業績均須附供貨合同必要部分復印件,時間以合同簽訂日期為準。所提供的合同復印件乙方應當為投標人或其所代理的制造商,如未提供業績證明材料或業績證明材料不符合要求的,評標委員會有權拒絕該投標)。 / Since January 1, 2021, the company has supplied Laser marking system (the copies of the necessary parts of the supply contract shall be attached to the performance (the original copy for reference). The date of signing the contract shall be subject to the performance The copy of the contract provided by Party B shall be the bidder or the manufacturer represented by Party B. If the performance certification materials are not provided or the performance certification materials do not meet the requirements, the bid evaluation committee has the right to reject the bid).
/Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy,The credit certificate of the domestic bidder shall be issued by the bank where the basic account is opened.
①未被列入江南造船(集團)有限責任公司失信名單; ②2021年1月1日以來投標人無行賄犯罪行為。 /Reputation requirement: ①Not included in the list of dishonest Jiangnan Shipbuilding (Group) Co., LTD ②Since January 1, 2021,The bidder has no criminal acts of bribery
/Bidder must purchase and register the bidding document from the Bidding Agency to become eligible for bid; legal person or other organization that are entrusted to participate in the preliminary consultation of the project and the preparation of bidding documents shall not participate in the bid.
/ Joint Bids:NOT Available.
4、招標文件的獲取 / Acquisition of Bidding Documents 招標文件購買時間: 2024年 8月7日至2024 年8月14日 /Time of Selling Bidding Documents:from 2024-8-7 to 2024-8-14. 招標文件發售地點:上海市長壽路285號20樓(上海機電設備招標有限公司) /Place of Selling Bidding Documents: 20/F No. 285 Changshou Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. (Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.Ltd) 招標文件售價:每套售價:1000元人民幣,或 160美元,售后不退。 /Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 1000 yuan, or USD 160 for each set. 支持現場領購,同時支持線上購買,詳見其他說明: 凡有意參加投標者,請按如下步驟操作: (1)凡有意購買招標文件的潛在投標人,請前往“中招聯合招標采購平臺”進行供應商注冊,注冊免費(網址:www.365trade.com.cn/)(在注冊頁面準確填寫供應商名稱、統一社會信用代碼等信息,并按照要求上傳供應商公司證件,信息完善后點擊“完成注冊”); (2)注冊審核通過后,登錄系統,點擊頁面左下角“尋找招標項目”進行項目名稱查詢,找到項目后點擊“我要參與”,需要購標審核的項目按要求上傳購標資料(法定代表人(單位負責人)授權委托書原件、委托代理人身份證明原件及復印件、營業執照復印件(加蓋公章)、資質證書(如有)復印件(加蓋公章)); (3)等待項目負責人審核通過后,供應商選中需要購買的招標文件標包加入購物車進行標書費用支付,支付完成后,供應商可進行招標文件的下載; (4) 標書款發票由招標代理機構開具,供應商可在平臺申請后在發票管理頁面下載。平臺操作過程中如需幫助,可聯系平臺客服熱線010-86397110(上午9:00—11:30,下午:13:00—17:30)獲取支持;潛在投標人在標書發售截止時間前登錄中招聯合招標采購平臺注冊、購買標書,否則將無法保證獲取電子版招標文件。標書款、平臺交易費一經獲取不予退還。 /For interested tenderers, please follow the following steps: (1) Potential bidders who intend to purchase bidding documents, please go to the "China Recruitment Joint bidding and Procurement Platform" for supplier registration, registration free (website: (www.365trade.com.cn/) in the registration page accurate fill in supplier information such as name, unified social credit code, and upload the supplier company certificates in accordance with the requirements, perfect information and then click the "complete registration"); (2) After the registration review is passed, log in to the system, click "Looking for bidding projects" in the lower left corner of the page to query the project name, and click "I want to participate" after finding the project. For the projects that need to be reviewed by the purchase bid, upload the purchase bid information as required (original letter of authorization of the legal representative (person in charge of the unit), original and copy of the identity certificate of the entrusted agent, copy of the business license (with official seal), copy of the qualification certificate (if any) (with official seal)); (3) After the approval of the project leader, the supplier will select the bidding document package to be purchased and add it to the shopping cart to pay the bidding fee. After the payment is completed, the supplier can download the bidding document; (4)The invoice of tender payment is issued by the bidding agency, and the supplier can download it on the invoice management page after the platform application. If you need help during the platform operation, you can contact the platform customer service hotline at 010-86397110 (9:00-11:30 am, 13:00-17:30 PM) to get support; The potential bidders shall register and purchase the bidding documents on the joint bidding and procurement platform before the deadline for the sale of the bidding documents, otherwise they will not be guaranteed to obtain the electronic version of the bidding documents. Tender payment and platform transaction fee are not refundable once obtained.
5、投標文件的遞交 / Bid Submission 投標截止時間/開標時間: 2024年9月2日9時30分(北京時間) /Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening:2024-9-2, 9:30 (Beijing Time) 投標文件送達地點:上海市長壽路285號10樓第3會議室 /Pace of Bid: Room 3,10/F No. 285 Changshou Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. 開標地點:上海市長壽路285號10樓第3會議室 /Pace of Bid: Room 3,10/F No. 285 Changshou Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. 6、投標人在投標前需在中國國際招標網上完成注冊。本項目招標公告和評標結果將在中國國際招標網和中國招標投標公共服務平臺發布。 /The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. The bidding announcement and bidding evaluation results of this project will be released on www.cebpubservice.com & www.chinabidding.com. ***投標人應當于招標文件載明的投標截止時間前在中國國際招標網(以下簡稱“招標網”,網址:www.chinabidding.com)成功注冊。否則,投標人將不能進入招標程序,由此產生的后果由其自行承擔。 The bidder shall be successfully registered in the China international bidding network (hereinafter referred to as the "tender website", website: www.chinabidding.com) before the deadline of the bid documents specified in the bidding documents. Otherwise, the bidder will not be able to enter the bidding process, and the consequent consequences will be borne by the bidder. 八、監督部門本招標項目的監督部門為中國船舶集團有限公司戰略規劃部。 九、聯系方式招標人:江南造船(集團)有限責任公司 地址:上海市崇明區長興鎮長興江南大道988號 聯系人:彭經理 電話:021-66990207 電子郵件:/ 招標代理機構:上海機電設備招標有限公司 地址:上海市普陀區長壽路285號恒達大廈20樓 聯系人:金晶、吳明亮 電話:021-32557503 電子郵件:jjing@shbid.com 招標人或其招標代理機構主要負責人(項目負責人):_______________(簽名) 招標人或其招標代理機構:_______________(蓋章) 202408071035226842870378639編輯:365trade.co |