
珠海翔翼2023空客A320系列數據包和配套硬件采購項目【重新招標】招標公告(2023 Zhuhai Xiang Yi Aviation Technology Company Limited Purc

   2024-04-07 0



1.1 招標項目名稱:珠海翔翼2023空客A320系列數據包和配套硬件采購項目【重新招標】。

1.2 項目編號:CZ2023011104

1.3 項目類別:貨物類。

1.4 資金來源:企業自籌資金;

1.5 招標內容、數量、限價或預算:








A320 系列飛行數據包






A320 系列飛行數據包配套硬件






1.6 交貨地點及交貨期:






A320 系列飛行數據包




A320 系列飛行數據包配套硬件



1.7 合同期限: 自合同生效之日起4年,具體起始時間以雙方簽署合同內容為準。

1.8 本項目只接受在中國南方航空采購招標網或招標人于本文件中指定的網站下載本招標文件的投標人投標。



2.1 投標人是響應招標、參加投標競爭的法人或其他組織。除非另有規定,凡是來自中華人民共和國或是與中華人民共和國有正常貿易往來的國家或地區(以下簡稱“合格來源國/地區”)的供貨人均可投標。國內投標人必須具備合法有效的營業執照。如分公司投標,須取得總公司的授權。




2.3 分支機構(分公司)以自己名義投標的,不得使用法人(總公司)的資質與業績。


2.5 投標人在經營活動中未列入“嚴重違法失信企業名單(黑名單)信息”(注意:須提供國家企業信用信息公示系統中此項完整內容截圖或報告)或“嚴重失信主體名單”(注意:須提供信用中國網站中此項完整內容截圖或報告)”,或者在投標文件遞交截止日前已被移除出黑名單或失信主體名單。(招標人或招標代理機構僅以國家企業信用信息公示系統或信用中國網站顯示信息為準進行形式審查并作為認定依據,其他網站或文件不作為認定依據以上兩項證明材料可一并提供或擇一提供。如擇一提供,視為投標人承諾均不在兩項名單中;任何時候,如經招標人或招標代理機構查詢發現投標人在任一名單內的,視為投標人提供虛假材料。境外企業、港澳臺地區企業及國內事業單位無需提供本款規定的材料

2.6 被列入南航集團“限制交易供應商名單”且仍在限制期內的法人或其他組織不得參與本次投標。法人(總公司)及其分支機構(分公司)中任一主體被列為限制交易供應商名單的,另一主體同樣受此限制。

2.7 被列入南航集團“禁止交易企業名單”的企業,不得參與本次投標。法人(總公司)及其分支機構(分公司)中任一主體被列為禁止交易企業名單的,另一主體同樣受此限制。



3.1 獲取招標文件時間:202447日至2024412;請務必在此期間登陸“中國南方航空采購招標網”,選擇招標項目下載招標文件;否則將無法投標重招文件須在重招項目中下載,已繳納投標保證金且未退還的無需重復繳納。請直接聯系招標代理機構,聯系方式見本公告第8.2條款。

3.2 招標文件獲取途徑:



4.1 投標文件遞交的截止時間(投標截止時間)20244241000分,地點為廣州市機場路272號南航貿易大廈603會議室。

4.2 逾期送達的、未送達指定地點的或者不按照招標文件要求密封的投標文件,招標人將予以拒收。





5.4 本項目信息的修改、補充,在中國南方航空采購招標網發布。本項目信息在各媒體發布的文本如有不同之處,以在中國南方航空采購招標網發布的文本為準。




7.1 招標人:珠海翔翼航空技術有限公司




EMAIL: lijianhuaa@csair.com

7.2 招標代理機構名稱:中國南航集團進出口貿易有限公司

























China Southern Airlines (Group) Import&Export Trading Corp .Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Tendering Agency”) is entrusted by Zhuhai Xiangyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Tenderer”) to conduct open tendering for the procurement of 2023 Airbus A320 family simpack and hardwareRebid】by Zhuhai Xiangyi.

1. Introduction of the Tendering Project

Tendering project name: Zhuhai Xiangyi 2023 Airbus A320 Series Data Package and Supporting HardwareRebid】.

1.2 Project number: CZ2023011104.

1.3 Project category: Goods.

1.4 Source of funds: Self-raised funds by the company;

1.5 Tender content, quantity, limit price or budget:


Procurement content

Quantity of goods procured

Limited Unit Price

Limited Total Price



A320 Software Package and Data Package


3.2 Million Euros

12.8 Million Euros

Excluding Tax


A320 Family Hardware


1.12 Million USD

7.84 Million USD

Excluding Tax

Note: 1. The above prices are all exclusive of tax. In the event of changes in the national tax policy resulting in a change in the value-added tax rate, the new tax rate shall prevail, and the agreed price = =the tax-exclusive price at the time of contract signing* (1+ new tax rate). The tax-exclusive price at the time of contract signing = (the agreed tax-inclusive price and additional costs) / (1 + the applicable tax rate at the time of contract signing).

2. The Project shall be subject to a fixed-amount procurement model. Bidders shall quote for all items. Any omission or quotation exceeding the maximum limit (unit price or total price) shall render the bid invalid.

1.6 Delivery location and time:


Delivery content

Delivery location

Delivery time


A320 Software Package and Data Package

The designated location by Party A in Zhuhai;

According to the agreed time in the agreement


A320 Family Hardware

The designated location by Party A in Zhuhai;

According to the agreed time in the agreement

1.7 Contract period: 4 years from the effective date of the contract. The specific start time shall be based on the contract content signed by both Parties.

1.8 With respect to the Project, bids from bidders who download these Tendering Documents from China Southern Airlines Tendering or the website specified by the Tenderer in these Documents.

2. Bidder Qualification Requirements

Bidders bidding for the Project shall satisfy the following requirements:

2.1 Bidders shall be legal persons or other organizations that respond to the tender and participate in the bidding competition. Unless otherwise specified, suppliers from the People's Republic of China or countries or regions with normal trade relations with the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “eligible countries/regions) are eligible to bid. Domestic bidders must have a valid business license. If a branch company bids, it must obtain authorization from the head office. (Note: Scanned copies of valid business licenses with official seals of the branch company and the head office shall be provided, as well as supporting materials proving that the branch company itself meets the above requirements, and proving the authorization documents from the head office for the Project; please fill in the authorization documents according to the requirements in Format V for Bidding Documents. If a bidder is registered outside the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan, the bidder shall provide a legally valid company business registration certificate or a scanned certificate copy in the respective country/region (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), along with a Chinese translation. The signature of the supplier or the responsible person is required (any written documents provided by suppliers in foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan shall meet this requirement, the same below).

2.2 Bidders shall be legal manufacturers or distributors of the goods to be procured. If a bidder is a manufacturer, its distributor shall not participate in the bidding for the Project at the same time; if a bidder is a distributor, it shall obtain legal authorization from the manufacturer concerning the Project. (Note: Documentary evidence from the manufacturer shall be provided, which can fully prove its legal production rights and production capacity. Such supporting materials shall include but be not limited to quantity and model of the produced equipment, production license (if any), photos of the production site, etc.)

2.3 If a branch (branch company) bids in its own name, it shall not apply the qualifications and performance of the legal entity (head office).

2.4 Legal persons, other organizations, or individuals who have an interest relationship with the Tenderer and may affect the fairness of the tendering process, and different entities that have the same leader or control or are controlled by each other, shall perform active avoidance and may not bid for the same section of the Project (if it has been divided into sections) or for the Project. Branches (branch companies) and legal entities (head office), or multiple branches (branch companies) under the same legal entity (head office) shall not bid for the same section or the same tendering project that is not divided into sections.

2.5 Bidders shall not be included in the List of Seriously Illegal and Dishonest Enterprises (Blacklist)(Note: A screenshot or report of the complete content of this item in the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System shall be provided) or the “List of Seriously Dishonest Entities” (Note: A screenshot or report of the complete content of this item in the Credit China network shall be provided), or the bidders shall have been removed from the blacklist or list of dishonest entities before the deadline for the submission of bidding documents. (The Tenderer or the Tendering Agency shall only rely on the information displayed on the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System or the Credit China website for formal review and determination. Other websites or documents shall not be accepted as a basis for the determination.) Both or either of the above two supporting materials are available. If either of the above supporting materials is provided, it shall be deemed that the bidder undertakes not to be on either list; at any time, if the bidder is found to be on either list by the Tenderer or the Tendering Agency, it shall be deemed that the bidder has provided false materials. Overseas companies, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan companies, and domestic public institutions are not required to provide the materials specified in this clause.

2.6 Legal persons or other organizations that are included in the “List of Restricted Suppliers” of China Southern Group and are still within the restricted period shall not participate in this bidding. If any entity of either the legal person (head office) or its branch (branch company), is listed on the List of Restricted Suppliers, the other entity is also restricted.

2.7 Enterprises listed in the “List of Prohibited Enterprises” of China Southern Group shall not participate in this bidding. If any entity of either the legal person (head office) or its branch (branch company), is listed on the “List of Prohibited Enterprises”, the other entity is also prohibited.

2.8 If there is any exceptionally consistent IP address for the suppliers who submit the documents in the process of login, bid purchase, bid submission, bid opening and other links of the Project, or if the suppliers apply the consistent bank accounts in paying the platform charge, submitting various deposits, etc., they may not pass the compliance review and the procurement agent has the right to further examine and investigate the suppliers' suspected violations in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3.4.6 in Instructions to Bidders under Section 2, Chapter II, other provisions of these Tendering Documents and the laws and regulations.

Bidders who fail to meet the above qualification requirements are not qualified to bid, and the Evaluation Committee has the right to determine that they are not qualified for this bidding. The Tenderer reserves the right to review all original documents provided in the bidding documents. If it is found at any time that the relevant documents, supporting materials, or commitments submitted by the bidders are forged, altered, or fabricated, the bidders qualifications will be canceled and they will be included in the List of Restricted Suppliers of China Southern Group. They shall also be deemed to have voluntarily waived the right to participate in any procurement activities of China Southern Group for a period of 3 years from the date of this bidding.

3. Acquisition of Tendering Documents

3.1 Time for obtaining Tendering Documents: from 04/07/2024 to 04/12/2024; please log in to the China Southern Airlines Tendering during this period and selec t the tendering project to download the tendering documents; otherwise, it is not available to bid for a project.The re-bid document must be downloaded in the re-bid project, and the bid security that has been paid and not returned does not need to be paid again. Please contact the tendering agency directly as set out in Clause 8.2 of this announcement

3.2 Ways to obtain the Tendering Documents:

See https://csbidding.csair.com/cms/channel/czzngys/96540.htm for details.

4. Submission of Bidding Documents

4.1 The deadline for submission of bidding documents (deadline for bidding) is 10:00 on [04/24, 2024], and the location is No.603 Meeting Room,,China Southern Trading Building, No. 272 Airport Road, Guangzhou City .

4.2 Bidding documents that are overdue, not delivered to the designated place, or not sealed as required by the Tendering Documents will be rejected by the Tenderer.

5. Medium for Announcing Notices and Results

5.1 The tendering announcement information for the Project (including initial and re-tendering) shall be simultaneously published in the “Tendering Announcement” column under “Bidding” of the China Southern Airlines Tendering (https://csbidding.csair.com), China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com), and China Bidding network (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn);

5.2 The evaluation results of the Project (including successful initial and re-tendering) shall be published in the “Evaluation Announcement” column under “Bidding” of the China Southern Airlines Tendering (https://csbidding.csair.com).

5.3 The evaluation result information of the Project (failure to bid again after re-tendering) shall be published in the Other Announcements column under “Bidding” of the China Southern Airlines Tendering (https://csbidding.csair.com), to announce the tendering failure information; at the same time, the evaluation result information after the project is converted to non-tendering procurement shall be published in the Procurement Results column under “Non-bidding” of the China Southern Airlines Tendering (https://csbidding.csair.com);

5.4 Modifications and supplements to the information of the Project shall be published on the China Southern Airlines Tendering. If there are any discrepancies in the text published by various media agencies, the text published on the China Southern Airlines Tendering shall prevail.

6. Explanation of Termination of Tendering Procedure

If there are less than three qualified bidders after the second announcement during the execution of the Project, the open tendering procedure for the Project shall be terminated. The subsequent evaluation and result announcement procedures of the Project are included in the non-tendering procurement process and shall be subject to the rules of non-tendering procurement of China Southern Group.

7. Contact Information

7.1 Tenderer: Zhuhai Xiangyi Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 32 Plot, Bonded Zone, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province.

Postal code: 519030

Contact person and Tel.: Li Jianhua, 0756-3213667

EMAIL: lijianhuaa@csair.com

7.2 Name of Tendering Agency: China Southern Trade Import and Export Co., Ltd.

Address: China Southern Trading Building, No. 272 Airport Road, Guangzhou City

Postal Code: 510405

Person in charge of the tendering project and Tel.:Mr.Liu, 020-86123887

8. Objection and Complaint Feedback Channel

The objector/complainant shall safeguard their legitimate interests through the designated channels, and the complaint content and related supporting materials provided shall be true, objective, and legally obtained. During the investigation process, if it is found that the objector/complainant intentionally fabricates facts, forges supporting materials, obtains supporting materials through illegal means, or intentionally defames, causing adverse effects, once verified, the objector/complainant shall be punished seriously in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Tenderer; if it constitutes a violation of laws, legal responsibilities shall be pursued according to law.

If a bidder has objections to the Tendering Documents of the Project, valid objection materials can be submitted in writing to the Tenderer within the valid objection period. Please note that if the bidder has any questions about the Tendering Documents that require clarification from the Tenderer, they shall follow the provisions of Clause 2.2.1, Chapter II of the Tendering Documents and submit their questions in the question area of the China Southern Airlines Tendering.

Only address for filing objections: China Southern Trading Building, No. 272 Airport Road, Guangzhou City

Contact person of the procurement agency:Mr.Liu

Tel.: 020-86123887

If a supplier is not satisfied with the reply to the objection or believes that this procurement activity violates laws, regulations, or rules, the supplier can file a real-name complaint within 2 working days after receiving the reply to the objection.

Only department responsible for accepting complaint materials: Legal and Compliance Department of China Southern Trade Import and Export Co., Ltd.

Contact address: No. 272 Airport Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City

Contact person: Ms. Hu

Tel.: 020-86127707


Time limit for filing objections

Prequalification stage

Objections shall be raised within 48 hours before the deadline for submission of prequalification application documents.

Procurement document release stage

(For tendering procurement projects) Objections shall be raised within 48 hours after the deadline for obtaining documents or 10 days before the deadline for bidding (whichever is later).

(For non-tendering procurement projects) Objections shall be raised 24 hours before the deadline for submitting response documents (bidding documents);

Evaluation result announcement stage

Objections shall be raised during the period of tendering result announcement.

(For specific requirements of filing objections and complaints, please refer to the Suppliers Commitment on Objections/Complaints and Guiding Procedures in the Tendering Documents.)

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