Basic information of the project
項目簡介:中電胡布發電有限公司負責在巴基斯坦投資、建設、運行一座 2×660MW 燃 煤電站。
Project overview: China Power Hub Generation Company (Pvt) Limited (CPHGC) Power Plant (the“Project”) is for the investment, erection and operation of a 2x660 MW coal fired power plant.
項目整體進度:商業運營日時間為 2019 年 6 月 1 日
Project schedule: Completed COD of Unit 1 & Unit 2 is 01 June, 2019.
Scope of Tender
1 .招標標段情況一覽表
Summary of the tender Lot
序 號 S |
招標編號 Tender No. |
標段名稱 Lot Name |
招標內容 Scope of Tender |
招標文件價格 (元) Price of |
N |
Tender documents(R MB) |
1 |
HWZB-2023-004-025-001 |
中國電力巴基斯坦 中電胡布 2× 660MW 火電項目 運營期保險國際招 標 International Open Tender of Operational Phase Insurance Progra ms for CPHGC 2× 660MW Coal-fired Power Project in Pakistan |
招標范圍為本項目的 運營期保險, 詳細信息 如下: Scope of Tender: Operational PhaseInsuranceof the Project, and the specific information is as follows: ①財產一切險 Property All Insurance ②財產一切險項下營 業中斷險 Business Interrupti on following Property All Insurance ③機器損壞險 Machinery Breakd own Insurance ④機器損壞險項下營 業中斷險 Business Interrupti on following Machinery Breakdown Insurance ⑤公眾責任險 Public Liability |
500.00 |
Insurance ⑥貨物運輸保險 Marine Cargo Insurance ⑦碼頭營運人責任險 Terminal Operator Liability Insurance 投標人應對以上招標 范圍內所有險種同時 進行投標。任何僅對其 中部分險種的投標將 被認為是不完整的投 標而被視為廢標。 The Bidder shall bid for all types of insurance above and any bid not covering all types of insurance will be deemed as incomplete and invalid. |
The Special Qualification for bidder
序 號 SN |
標段名稱 Lot Name |
專項資格 Special Qualification |
1 |
中國電力巴基斯坦中電胡布 2× 660MW 火電項目運營期保險國際 招標 International Open Tender of Operational Phase Insurance Programs for CPHGC 2×660MW Coal-fired Power |
投標人應同時具備以下條件: Qualification requirements (the following conditions shall be concurrently met): ①投標人須為非壽險公司 The Bidder shall be a non-life insurance |
Project in Pakistan |
company; ②投標人或其母公司須具有 A(含)以上的國際評級, 包括但不限于穆迪、標普、惠譽、AM Best 等。 The Bidder or its parent company shall hA/Ve an international rating of A or above, includingbut not limited to Moody’s, S&P, Fitch and AM Best; ③投標人或其母公司 2022 年非壽險保費收入須不低 于 3 億美元 Non-life insurance premium income of the Bidder or itsparent company shall be no less than USD three hundreds million in 2022; ④投標人或其母公司在全球范圍內須具有單個項目保險金額 1 億美元(含) 以上火電項目運營期的承保經驗 The Bidder or its parent company shall hA/Ve underwriting experiences in operational phase insurance programs of coal-fired power projects worldwide with the Sum Insured of more than USD one hundred million (inclusive) for single project. ⑤本項目不接受聯合體投標。 Consortium of Bidders is not acceptable. |
Tender documents Acquisition
The time of Tender documents Acquisition
2023 年 9 月 13 日至 2023 年 9 月 19 日,9:00 ~ 17:00(北京時間)。
Time: [September 13th, 2023 to September 19th, 2023, 9:00 to 17:00,, Beijing Time]
The price of Tender documents
購買招標文件需支付招標文件工本費,招標文件價格為 500 元人民幣。招標文件自愿購 買,一經售出,費用概不退還。
One set of Tender documents is sold at the price of RMB 500.00. The payment for the Tender documents will not be returned once the Tender documents are sold, regardless of whether the bidders will participate in the bid or not.
欲購買招標文件的投標人,請聯系辦理供應商會員事宜,成為正式供應商后根據招標公告的相應說明在線完成招標文件的購買! 為保證您能夠順利投,具體要求及購買標書操作流程以公告詳細內容為準! 詳情請咨詢 聯系人:劉靜 手機:13681557910 (微信同號) 咨詢電話:010-68818478 郵箱:1490789738@qq.com