中化建國際 對下列產品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,于2024-09-27在公告。本次招標采用電子招標方式,現邀請合格投標人參加投標。1、招標條件項目概況:PP裝置催化劑計量系統資金到位或資金來源落實情況:已落實項目已具備招標條件的說明:已具備2、招標內容招標項目編號:0704-2440JDCP0145招標項目名稱:中海殼牌惠州三期乙烯項目PP裝置催化劑計量系統項目實施地點:中國廣東省招標產品列表(主要設備):
3、投標人資格要求投標人應具備的資格或業績:對投標人的資格和業績要求:Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:?(1)資格要求?Requirements for Qualification of Bidder?A.如果投標人為境內注冊公司,投標人需提供合法有效的企業法人營業執照、稅務登記證及組織機構代碼證或證照合一的營業執照,投標時需提供原件掃描件(原件備查);如果投標人為境外注冊公司,需提供有效的公司登記注冊證明;A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined?certificate and business license.?The?scanned?copy?of?the?original?shall?be?provided?during?bidding?(the?original?copy?for?reference);?The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B.?從中華人民共和國關境內制造的貨物:投標人只能為投標設備的制造商。For goods manufactured within PRC customs territory?:Bidders can only be the manufacturers of the bidding equipment.從中華人民共和國關境外制造的貨物:投標人可為投標設備的制造商或授權代理商。For goods manufactured outside PRC customs territory: Bidders can be the manufacturers or Authorized Agents of the bidding equipment.如果投標人為代理商,投標人應得到所投貨物制造商同意其為本次投標提供該貨物的合法正式授權書。If the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding.?C. 是否接受聯合體投標:否C.Joint Venture: Not Accepted?D.未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以D.Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Allowed?(2)業績要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:2014 年1 月1 日至投標截止日(以合同簽署時間為準),投標人所投產品的制造商應具有至少2個合同聚丙烯裝置催化劑計量系統(單元)的供貨業績,且均滿足設計能力不低于0.01m3/h的技術要求。From January 1, 2014?to the deadline for submission of the bid (subject to the signing time of the contract), the manufacturer of the products supplied?by the bidder shall have?at least 2 supply?contracts?performance?of Catalyst Metering Package Unit for?PP Plant, and meet the technical requirement?that the design capability no less than 0.01m3/h.投標人須按規定格式提交業績表,并提交相關業績證明文件。業績證明文件包括但不限于:1)銷售合同復印件和2)到貨驗收材料。投標人所提交的業績證明文件必須至少體現以下內容:合同簽署時間、制造商名稱、裝置名稱、貨物名稱、設計能力的技術要求及到貨驗收材料。The Bidder shall furnish reference list in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to: 1) copies of sales contract and 2) acceptance evidence of goods delivery. The?reference evidence documents furnished by?Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content as follows: Date of signing contract, name of manufacturer, name of the plant, name of Goods, design capability?and?acceptance evidence of goods delivery.未提交業績證明文件,或所提供的業績證明文件無法體現合同簽署時間、制造商名稱、裝置名稱、貨物名稱、設計能力,均視為無效業績。?If no documentary evidence furnished, or documentary evidence furnished can not demonstrate Date of signing Contract, name of manufacturer, name of the Plant, name of goods?and design capability the relevant reference will be deemed invalid.是否接受聯合體投標:不接受未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以4、
項目 聯系人:李楊
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com
序號 | 產品名稱 | 數量 | 簡要技術規格 | 備注 |
PP裝置催化劑計量系統 | 1套 | 詳見技術規格書 |
項目 聯系人:李楊
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com