中化建國際 對下列產品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,于2024-03-22在公告。本次招標采用電子招標方式,現邀請合格投標人參加投標。1、招標條件項目概況:浙江LNG三期項目接收站工程8-14寸工藝低溫球閥(高壓)資金到位或資金來源落實情況:已落實項目已具備招標條件的說明:已具備2、招標內容招標項目編號:0704-2440JDCP4999招標項目名稱:浙江LNG三期項目接收站工程8-14寸工藝低溫球閥(高壓)項目實施地點:中國浙江省招標產品列表(主要設備):
3、投標人資格要求投標人應具備的資格或業績:3. 對投標人的資格和業績要求:Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:(1)資格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder A.如果投標人為境內注冊公司,投標人需提供合法有效的企業法人營業執照、稅務登記證及組織機構代碼證或證照合一的營業執照復印件;如果投標人為境外注冊公司,需提供有效的公司登記注冊證明;窗體頂端窗體底端A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide photocopies of valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.B.從中華人民共和國關境制造的貨物:投標人只能為投標設備的制造商。For goods manufactured within PRC customs territory?:Bidders can only be the manufacturers of the bidding equipment.從中華人民共和國關境外制造的貨物:投標人可為投標設備的制造商或授權代理商。For goods manufactured outside PRC customs territory: Bidders can be the manufacturers or Authorized Agents of the bidding equipment.如果投標人為代理商,投標人應得到所投貨物制造商同意其為本次投標提供該貨物的合法正式授權書。If the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding.C. 是否接受聯合體投標:否Joint Venture: Not AcceptedD. 未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以Bid without the bidding documents:NOT AvailableE.其它others: (2)資質要求及證明文件Requirements of Qualification of Bidder and Certificate投標人應提供投標產品制造商有效認證證書復印件,證書認證的制造商名稱應與其所提供業績的制造商、此次投標貨物的制造商一致。The bidder shall provide copies of the type certifications of the manufacturer when bidding. And the name of the certificates shall be the same with the manufacture of References and the manufacture of the bidding Goods.投標產品國內制造商應在投標時提供TS 證書(特種設備生產許可證)和覆蓋投標產品范圍【閥門類型(球閥)、溫度 (-196℃)、口徑及磅級】的 TSX 證書(特種設備型式試驗證書)。投標產品國外制造商應和國內制造商同樣提供上述證明文件,如投標人在投標時無法提供國外制造商的TS證書,需在投標時提供書面承諾函,承諾內容為: 供貨前提供閥門原產地證明和 2024 年 5月 31 日前提供 TS 證書 (特種設備生產許可證),承諾函格式詳見附件17。Domestic manufacturers should provide TS certificate (Special Equipment Production License) and TSX certificate (Special Equipment Type Test Certificate) covering the scope of bidding products (valve type (ball valve), temperature(-196℃), caliber, and pound class) when bidding. Foreign manufacturers should provide the same supporting documents as domestic manufacturers. If the bidder is unable to provide the TS certificate of the foreign manufacturer during the bidding process, a written commitment letter must be provided during the bidding process. The commitment content is to provide a certificate of valve origin before supply and a TS certificate (special equipment production license) before May 31, 2024. The format of the commitment letter is detailed in Annex 17.(3)業績要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:2013年1月1日起至投標截止日(以合同簽署時間為準),投標人所投產品應在中國境內具有LNG接收站或具有接收站性質的(即滿足GB51156-2015液化天然氣接收站工程設計規范)調峰站項目(需提供滿足GB51156-2015液化天然氣接收站工程設計規范2.0.2液化天然氣接收站:對船運液化天然氣進行接收、儲存、氣化和外輸等作業的場站要素的證明材料,證明材料通過國家發改委、省級發改委、政府網站、項目業主官網等官方網站查詢,以加蓋公章的截圖形式提供)的供貨業績(同一項目提供多個合同視為一個業績),且至少1個業績具有不少于2臺14寸及以上且磅級≥CL1500低溫或超低溫球閥。From January 1, 2013 to the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing), the bidder's products should have LNG receiving stations or peak shaving station projects with receiving station characteristics within China (i.e. meeting the GB51156-2015 Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station Engineering Design Specification). The bidder must provide proof materials of the station elements for receiving, storing, gasifying, and exporting liquefied natural gas transported by ships in accordance with the GB51156-2015 Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station Engineering Design Specification 2.0.2 Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Station. The proof materials should be available through official websites such as the National Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, government websites, and project owner websites, and provided in the form of screenshots with official seals. Providing multiple contracts for the same project is considered as one performance, and at least one performance has no less than two 14 inch and above low-temperature or ultra-low temperature ball valves with a pound rating of ≥ CL1500.投標人須按規定格式提交業績表,并提交相關業績證明文件。業績證明文件包括但不限于:1)銷售合同【或】銷售訂單【框架協議下的訂單(需提供主框架協議)】復印件關鍵頁和2)到貨驗收材料。投標人所提交的業績證明文件必須至少體現以下內容:合同簽署時間、制造商名稱、貨物名稱、項目名稱、供貨數量、規格型號(口徑及磅級)、到貨驗收材料。如提供的是調峰站業績,投標人還需提供調峰站(滿足GB51156-2015液化天然氣接收站工程設計規范2.0.2液化天然氣接收站:對船運液化天然氣進行接收、儲存、氣化和外輸等作業的場站)要素的證明材料,證明材料通過國家發改委、省級發改委、政府網站、項目業主官網等官方網站查詢,以加蓋公章的截圖形式提供。未提交業績證明文件,或所提供的業績證明文件未體現上述信息的,均視為無效業績。本次投標人提供的制造商業績必須與投標產品一致。The Bidder shall furnish reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to:1)Copy of sales contract [or] sales order [orders under framework agreement (main framework agreement required)] Key page and 2)Acceptance materials upon arrival.The performance certification documents submitted by the bidder must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, manufacturer's name, goods name, project name, supply quantity, specifications and models (caliber, weight level, and structural type), and acceptance materials upon arrival. If the performance of the peak shaving station is provided, the bidder also needs to provide proof materials for the elements of the peak shaving station (which meets the requirements of GB51156-2015 Design Specification for Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Engineering 2.0.2 Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal: a station for receiving, storing, gasifying, and exporting liquefied natural gas transported by ships). The proof materials can be found on official websites such as the National Development and Reform Commission, provincial-level Development and Reform Commission, government websites, and project owner websites, Provide in the form of a screenshot stamped with the official seal. Failure to submit performance proof documents or failure to reflect the above information in the provided performance proof documents shall be deemed as invalid performance. The manufacturer's performance structural type provided by the bidder must be consistent with the structural type of the bidding product.(4)其它要求及證明文件Other Requirements of Qualification of Bidder and Certificate投標人應提供投標產品制造商以下有效認證證書復印件,所有證書認證的制造商名稱應與其所提供業績的制造商、此次投標貨物的制造商一致。The bidder shall provide copies of the type certifications of the manufacturer when bidding. And the name of the certificates shall be the same with the manufacture of References and the manufacture of the bidding Goods.①防火證書:投標產品制造商應具有國際或國內認證機構頒發的覆蓋投標產品范圍【閥門類型(球閥)、口徑及磅級】的 API607 或 API6FA 或 ISO10497 或同等標準的防火證書,并附相應的測試報告。Fire safe certification:The manufacturer of the bidding product should have an API607 or API6FA or ISO10497 or equivalent fire prevention certificate issued by an international or domestic certification agency covering the scope of the bidding product [valve type (ball valve), caliber, and pound class], and attach the corresponding test report.②低泄漏認證證書:閥門必須具備可靠的外密封性能,應至少達到 ISO 15848-1 的要求。投標產品制造商應具有能夠覆蓋本次招標范圍【閥門類型(球閥)、溫度、口徑及磅級】的 ISO 15848 PART 1 證書,并附相應的測試報告。Low leakage certification certificate: Valves must have reliable external sealing performance and meet at least the requirements of ISO 15848-1. The bidding product manufacturer should have an ISO 15848 Part 1 certificate that can cover the scope of this bidding [valve type (ball valve), temperature, diameter, and pound class], and attach the corresponding test report.是否接受聯合體投標:不接受未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以4、
項目 聯系人:李楊
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com
序號 | 產品名稱 | 數量 | 簡要技術規格 | 備注 |
1 | 8-14寸工藝低溫球閥(高壓) | 35臺 | 詳見招標文件 |
項目 聯系人:李楊
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com