本南京江寧主城中心區城市設計國際咨詢項目(招標項目編號:066020H10596),已由項目審批/核準/備案機關批準,項目資金來源為其他, 本項目已具備招標條件,現進行公開招標。
項目規模:/ 。
招標內容與范圍:本招標項目劃分為標段1 個標段,本次招標為其中的:
001 第1包
001 第1包:
(1)投標人為中華人民共和國境內注冊法人單位的,須具有城鄉規劃編制甲級資質或建筑行業(建筑工程)設計甲級資質; 本項目允許聯合體投標。
If a bidder is a judicial entity registered in the People’s Republic of China, this bidder shall hA/Ve the Grade-A Qualifications for the Preparation of Urban and Rural Planning, or the Grade-A Qualifications for the Design of Building Industry (Building Engineering);
If a bidder is a foreign institution, its foreign institution shall hA/Ve corresponding qualification or practice license for dealing with urban planning or building design, as issued by the competent governmental department or relevant industrial organization in the country or region where it locates.
The requirements on the qualifications of the planning and design institutions in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan may follow the provisions of the requirements on the qualifications of design institutions at abroad.
The project accepts the bidding of consortium. Each member of a consortium shall jointly sign a consortium agreement, and each member unit forming the project consortium shall not participate in the registration in their own name individually or as a member of other consortiums.
In order to guarantee the accurate understanding of project participants on Chinese regional background and relevant requirements, the professional technical personnel of the team that a bidder intends to input for the project shall include at least one person who is proficient in Chinese language (provide the letter of commitment and personnel list, and other relevant certification materials);
Jiangsu Complete Equipment Co., Ltd. carries out an open tender for procurement for the International Consulting on the Urban Design of Central Area of Jiangning Main City in Nanjing (project name) under the entrustment of Nanjing Jiangning Economic and Technical Development Corporation, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources Jiangning Branch (name of the bid invitation unit hereinafter simply referred to as “The tendererr”), and now, suppliers meeting relevant conditions are welcomed to participate in the bidding.
項目編號:066020H10596 1. Name of the Tender Project: International Consulting on the Urban Design of Central Area of Jiangning Main City in Nanjing Project No.:066020H10596 預算:本階段為入圍征集,不涉及預算 Budget: This stage is short-listed solicitation, not involving budget. 2、招標項目簡要說明: Brief Description about the Tender Project: 2.1項目背景 Project Background 東山片區是《南京市國土空間總體規劃(2018-2035)》中江南主城的重要組成部分,經過多年的規劃建設,已逐步成為城市功能和產業功能相融合的綜合片區。新的國土空間規劃明確要求東山片區成為南京現代化國際性新城區,其中心作為六個副市級中心之一,承擔面向區域的綜合服務職能,重點集聚現代服務業,完善公共服務。 Dongshan Area is an important part of Jiangnan Main City in Nanjing, as stated in the General Territorial and Spatial Plan of Nanjing (2018-2035), and has gradually become an integrated area of urban function and industrial function after many years of planning and construction. The new Territorial and Spatial Plan clearly requires that, Dongshan Area shall be developed into a modernized international urban area of Nanjing, and its center, as one of the six sub-city centers, shall undertake the regional integrated service function, mainly gather modern service industry and improve public services. 依據上位規劃,東山片區中心由鳳凰港—楊家圩核心區、河定橋中央商務區和府前城市政務區共同組成。本次城市設計的對象,江寧主城中心區即位于鳳凰港—楊家圩核心區內。該片區作為江寧經濟技術開發區的重要組成部分,正面臨著由單一的產業功能逐漸向綜合性城市功能轉型、更新的新要求。 According to the higher-level planning, the center of Dongshan Area is comprised of Fenghuanggang-Yangjiawei Core Area, Hedingqiao Central Business District and Fuqian Urban Administrative District. The object of this urban design, the central area of Jiangning Main City, is just located inside the Fenghuanggang- Yangjiawei Core Area. As an important part of Jiangning Economic and Technical Development Zone, this area is facing the new requirement of transforming and updating gradually from single industrial function to integrated urban functions. 現組織開展“南京江寧主城中心區城市設計國際咨詢”,面向全球公開征集具有前瞻性、創新性、可操作性的規劃設計方案,以打造江寧區“現代化、國際性、南京南部副中心”為發展愿景,通過對該地區的功能構成、空間結構、景觀設計、綜合交通、地下空間等內容進行系統性設計,指導地區科學有序地進行更新改造、功能完善及品質提升。 Now, it’s organized to develop the “International Consulting on the Urban Design of Central Area of Jiangning Main City in Nanjing”, and publicly solicit prospective, innovative and operational planning and design schemes globally, aiming to guide the area to implement updating reconstruction, functional perfection and quality improvement in a scientific and orderly way based on the development vision of developing Jiangning District into a “modernized and international sub-center in the south of Nanjing”, and through the systematic design of the functional composition, spatial structure, landscape design, integrated traffic and underground space, etc. 2.2規劃設計目標 Planning and Design Objectives 江寧中心區城市設計應充分借鑒國內外城市類似地區成功的更新開發建設經驗,從“現代化、國際性、南京南部副中心”的發展愿景展開研究,在綜合考慮城市空間、生態環境等要素的基礎上,進一步研究及深化基地的基本定位和功能構成,明確片區功能分區、空間設計、地標建筑、地下空間、交通組織等,使該片區成為東山片區中具有獨特吸引力的代表性中心區域。 The urban design shall sufficiently refer to the successful experience of updating, development and construction in similar areas of domestic and overseas cities, and develop research from the development vision of “modernized and international sub-center in the south of Nanjing”. On the basis of comprehensively considering the elements such as urban space and ecological environment, etc., it shall further research and deepen the basic orientation and functional composition of the base, make clear the sectorization, space design, landmark buildings, underground spaces, and traffic organization, etc. of this area, and thus develop this area into a representative central area with unique attraction in Dongshan Area. 2.3招標內容 Purchasing Content 招標人將通過公開招標依序選取3家入圍機構和2家備選機構進入方案編制及評選階段,備選單位在入圍單位退出時依序替補。 The tenderer will select in order 3 competitors and 2 alternatives through open tender for the scheme preparation and selection stage, and the alternatives will replace the competitors which hA/Ve withdrawn in order. 2.3.1項目范圍 Project Scope 基地北起池田路,南至天元中路,西至雙龍大道,東至浦沿路,總用地面積約138公頃。 Starting from Chitian Road in the north, extends to Middle Tianyuan Road in the south, to Shuanglong A/Venue in the west, and to Puyan Road in the east, and covers an area of around 138ha. 同時建議適當擴大研究范圍,放眼江寧區全域進行謀劃,并考慮同南部新城等區域的協調發展,建議可以向北延伸至勝太路、南側延伸至牛首山河、西側延伸至利源路、東側延伸至秦淮新河—小龍灣,協調區域交通組織與城市功能,并結合相互間的影響在城市設計中予以全面考慮。 It’s suggested to properly expand the research scope, make planning based on the overall area of Jiangning District, and consider the coordinated development of the areas such as the South New Town, etc. It is recommended to extend to Shengtai Road in the north, to Niushoushan River in the south, to Liyuan Road in the west, and to Qinhuan New River – Xiaolongwan in the east, coordinate the regional traffic organization and urban functions, and comprehensively consider them by combining their mutual influences in the urban design. 2.3.2主要內容 Main Content 咨詢活動分為方案編制和評選,以及后期整合深化兩個階段。 The consulting activity is divided into two stages: scheme preparation and selection, and the later-stage integration and deepening.方案編制和評選階段 Scheme Preparation and Selection 要整體考慮基地與周邊地區的關系,借鑒國內外城市類似地區成功的開發建設經驗,秉持成片規劃、整體設計、城市更新的理念,在控制性詳細規劃的指導下進行城市設計,圖紙成果深度達到1:1000精度。 Consider the relationship of the base with surrounding areas on the whole, refer to the successful experience of development and construction in similar areas of domestic and overseas cities, stick to the concepts of vast-stretch planning, overall design and urban updating, carry out urban design under the instruction of detailed regulatory planning, and achieve the 1:1000 precision of the drawings delivered.后期整合深化階段 Later-stage of Integration and Deepening 由招標人確定最終承擔方案整合深化的編制單位,綜合所有入圍方案的優點,同時結合組織方的要求,在45天內形成整合深化方案,提交成果。 The tenderer shall determine the preparation unit which will finally undertake the scheme integration and deepening. The preparation unit shall form the integrated and deepened scheme and submit the achievements in forty-five (45) days by integrating the strong points of all enrolled schemes, and in combination with the Organizer’s requirements. 2.3.3咨詢規劃設計周期 2.3.3 Period of Consulting on Planning and Design 第一階段:通過公開招標依序選取3家入圍機構和2家備選機構進入方案編制和評選階段,備選單位在入圍單位退出時依序替補。 First stage: The Purchaser will select in order 3 competitors and 2 alternatives through open tender for the scheme preparation and selection stage, and the alternatives will replace the competitors which hA/Ve withdrawn in order. 第二階段:設計啟動、方案編制和評選。入圍機構確定后,將組織入圍機構進行現場踏勘、答疑等,開展方案編制,編制周期約60天。方案編制完成后組織設計方案的專家評選會,評選出獎項。 Second stage: Design starting, scheme preparation and selection. The competitors, after being determined, will be organized to carry out field survey, answer questions, and develop scheme preparation, and the scheme preparation shall be completed in around sixty (60) days. After the completion of scheme preparation, experts will be organized to appraise and select the design schemes and corresponding awards. 第三階段:后期整合深化。由組織方確定最終整合深化設計機構,具體事宜根據后續工作的安排進行協商。整合深化機構在45天內整合深化形成城市設計成果,成果提交后組織專家對整合深化方案進行評審。 Third stage: Later-stage integration and deepening. The Organizer will determine the design institution for the final integration and deepening, and the specific matters will be negotiated according to the follow-up work arrangements. The integration and deepening institution will form the urban design achievement through integration and deepening in forty-five (45) days, and experts will be organized to review the integrated and deepened scheme after the achievements are submitted. 2.3.4獎項設置 2.3.4 Prizes 方案編制和評選階段:在3名入圍單位提交的設計方案中評選出一等獎1名,二等獎1名,三等獎1名。 Scheme preparation and selection stage: Appraise and select one (1) first prize, one (1) second prize, and one (1) third prize from the design schemes submitted by the three (3) competitors. 2.3.5應征設計獎金 Compensation for Design Proposals and Prize Money 在方案編制和評選階段,招標人將向獲得一等獎的應征人支付獎金380萬元人民幣,向獲得二等獎的應征人支付獎金280萬元人民幣,向獲得三等獎的應征人支付獎金180萬元人民幣; At the scheme preparation and selection, The tendererr will pay the prize money of RMB3, 800,000 to the applicant winning the first prize, RMB 2,800,000 to the applicant winning the second prize, and RMB1,800,000 to the applicant winning the third prize respectively. 最終由招標人確定1家單位承擔后續城市設計整合深化工作,具體事宜根據后續工作的安排進行協商,后期整合深化階段設計費約300萬元人民幣。 Finally, The tendererr will determine one (1) unit to undertake the follow-up urban design integration and deepening. The specific matters will be negotiated according to the follow-up work arrangements. The design fee for the later-stage integration and deepening stage is around RMB 3,000,000. 以上設計費均含稅,其他因本次咨詢活動所產生的費用由應征單位自行承擔。 The above design fees contain taxes, and the other expenses arising from this consulting activity shall be solely undertaken by the applicants. 2.3.6語言 Language 本次咨詢活動的工作語言為中文,所有成果必須中英對照,在中英文的意思表達不一致時,應以中文為準。 The language used in this consulting activity is Chinese, and all achivements must be submitted in both Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 3.投標人資格要求 Requirements on the Qualifications of Suppliers: (1)投標人為中華人民共和國境內注冊法人單位的,須具有城鄉規劃編制甲級資質或建筑行業(建筑工程)設計甲級資質; If a bidder is a judicial entity registered in the People’s Republic of China, this bidder shall hA/Ve the Grade-A Qualifications for the Preparation of Urban and Rural Planning, or the Grade-A Qualifications for the Design of Building Industry (Building Engineering); 投標人為境外機構的,其境外機構須具有所在國、地區政府主管部門或其有關行業組織核發的從事城市規劃、建筑設計其中之一的相應資格或執業許可。 If a bidder is a foreign institution, its foreign institution shall hA/Ve corresponding qualification or practice license for dealing with urban planning or building design, as issued by the competent governmental department or relevant industrial organization in the country or region where it locates. 港、澳、臺規劃設計機構的資格要求參照境外設計機構資格要求的規定。 The requirements on the qualifications of the planning and design institutions in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan may follow the provisions of the requirements on the qualifications of design institutions at abroad. (2)本項目接受聯合體投標;聯合體的各成員應共同簽署聯合投標協議,且組成項目聯合體的各成員單位不得再以自身名義單獨或作為其他聯合體成員參與報名。 The project accepts the bidding of consortium. Each member of a consortium shall jointly sign a consortium agreement, and each member unit forming the project consortium shall not participate in the registration in their own name individually or as a member of other consortiums. (3)為了保證項目參加人員對中國地區背景和相關要求的準確理解,投標人擬投入團隊項目專業技術人員中應至少有一名通曉漢語人員(提供承諾書及人員配備表等相關證明材料); In order to guarantee the accurate understanding of project participants on Chinese regional background and relevant requirements, the professional technical personnel of the team that a bidder intends to input for the project shall include at least one person who is proficient in Chinese language (provide the letter of commitment and personnel list, and other relevant certification materials); (4)投標人須承諾擬委派的
A bidder shall promise that the project principal it intend to appoint will host the project in the full process, and shall not replace the project principal without the tenderee’s prior permission (provide the letter of commitment). 4.招標文件獲取時間及地點 Information on the Sale of Bidding documents: 4.1 Any party intending to participate in the bidding shall please log on the Zhongzhao United Bidding Purchasing Platform to download electronic bidding documents from 17:00 of Mar 18th, 2020 to 17:00 of Mar 31th, 2020 (Beijing Time, the same below). The downloading personnel shall sufficiently consider the time needed for registration on the platform, information examination, materials uploading, procurement bid /confirm/iation, and expense payment, and must complete the payment within the aforesaid period of time, or it will be unA/Vailable to guarantee the acquisition of the electronic bidding documents. 4.2招標文件服務費500元(含平臺下載費100元),下載后不退。 The bidding documents are sold at the price of RMB500/ set (including the fee for downloading on the platform RMB100), which shall not be refunded after the sale. 4.3 (以下簡稱平臺)網址為: /。下載者首次 注冊為一次性工作,以后若有需要可變更及完善相關信息;注冊成功后,可以及時參與平臺上所有發布的采購項目;同一單位不同的經辦人可各自建立不同賬戶。 The website of Zhongzhao United Bidding Purchasing Platform (hereinafter simply referred to as Platform) is /. Before logging on the platform for the first time, the downloading personnel shall register on the platform for free, and the platform will check the consistency between the downloading personnel’s registration information and the information in the scanned documents provided by them. The registration is a one-time work, and if necessary in the future, relevant information may be changed and improved; after successful registration, the downloading personnel may participate in all the procurement projects issued on the platform in time; different transactors from a same unit may establish their own different accounts. 4.4平臺網站首頁“幫助中心”提供操作手冊,下載者可以下載并根據操作手冊提示進行注冊、登錄、購買支付、發票開具領取等操作。平臺 平臺會通過短信提醒下載者進行注冊、支付、下載等操作。 The “Help Center” on the home page of the platform website provides operation manual. The downloading personnel may download the operation manual, and carry out the operations such as registration, logon, procurement and payment, invoice drawing and acquisition, etc. according to the prompts of the operation manual. The consulting hotline of the platform: :010-86397110; the service time is 9:00a.m. to 12:00a.m., and 1:30p.m. to 5:00p.m. on working days. The platform will remind downloading personnel by means of short message service to carry out the operations such as registration, payment, and downloading, etc. 5、投標文件接收信息: Information on Receiving Bidding documents: 投標文件接收開始時間:2020年4月7日上午08:30 備注:非正式會員請聯系辦理會員入網注冊事宜,并繳費成為正式會員后登錄網站會員區可查看招標公告、招名方式或下載報名表格等詳細內容!為保證您能夠順利投標,具體要求及購買標書操作流程按公告詳細內容為準。 咨詢聯系人:李工
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- 07-17陜西中煙工業有限責任公司漢中卷煙廠聘請法律顧問及 代理機構服務采購項目招標公告